Tetris Game in Ruby

Homework 6 of the programming language course taught by Professor Dan Grossman from University of Washington. Please refer to this link for instructions and provided code.

This assignment is about a Tetris game written in Ruby. Ruby is a dynamically-typed, pure object-oriented1 programming language. The Ruby code in uw6provided.rb implements a simple but fully functioning Tetris game. We will be editing uw6assignment.rb to make some enhancements. The Ruby code in uw6graphics.rb provides a simple graphics library, tailored to Tetris. Run and play the original game with:

$ ruby uw6runner.rb original

and the enhanced game with

$ ruby uw6runner.rb enhanced

Table of Contents

Mac Environment Setup

Intall Homebrew:

$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"

Install Ruby:

$ brew install ruby

Add Ruby to .bash_profile:

$ export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH"

Don’t forget to:

$ source ~/.bash_profile

Install required libraries:

$ sudo gem install os
$ sudo gem install chunky_png
$ brew install glfw
$ sudo gem install opengl-bindings
$ sudo gem install opener

We are ready to go! Please note that do not use the OpenGL library directly in any way in this assignment.


Make the falling piece rotate 180 degrees

In the enhanced version, players should be allowed to make the falling piece rotate \(180\) degrees by pressing the <u> key. This can be done by adding a key_bindings method to the subclass MyTetris:

def key_bindings
  @root.bind('u', proc { @board.rotate_pi_move })

The rotate_pi_move method is implemented in the subclass MyBoard:

def rotate_pi_move
  if !game_over? and @game.is_running?
    @current_block.move(0, 0, -2)

where we use the move method of Piece class to control the rotation:

# Takes the intended movement in x, y, and rotation and checks to see if the
# movement is possible. If it is possible, makes this movement and returns true.
# Otherwise returns false.
def move (delta_x, delta_y, delta_rotation)
  # Ensures that the rotation will always be a possible formation (as 
  # opposed to nil) by altering the intended rotation so that it stays 
  # within the bounds of the rotation array.
  moved = true
  potential = @all_rotations[(@rotation_index + delta_rotation) % @all_rotations.size]
  # For each individual block in the piece, checks if the intended move
  # will put this block in an occupied space.
    if !(@board.empty_at([posns[0] + delta_x + @base_position[0],
                          posns[1] + delta_y + @base_position[1]]));
      moved = false;  
  if moved
    @base_position[0] += delta_x
    @base_position[1] += delta_y
    @rotation_index = (@rotation_index + delta_rotation) % @all_rotations.size

For comparison, a rotate_clockwise method looks like this:

def rotate_clockwise
  if !game_over? and @game.is_running?
    @current_block.move(0, 0, 1)

Three Additional Pieces

The rotations method of Piece class figures out all possible rotations of a given piece and returns an array of point arrays (three levels of nested square brackets):

def self.rotations (point_array)
  rotate1 = point_array.map {|x,y| [-y,x]}  
  rotate2 = point_array.map {|x,y| [-x,-y]} 
  rotate3 = point_array.map {|x,y| [y,-x]}  
  [point_array, rotate1, rotate2, rotate3]  

In addition to the array All_pieces holding seven classic pieces and their rotations, these three pieces and their rotations should also be included:

|   |   |
|   |   |   |

|   |
|   |   |

|   |   |   |   |   |
All_My_Pieces = All_Pieces + [rotations([[0,0], [1,0], [-1,0], [0,-1], [-1,-1]]),
                              rotations([[0,0], [1,0], [0,1]]),
                              [[[0,-2], [0,-1], [0,0], [0,1], [0,2]],
                               [[-2,0], [-1,0], [0,0], [1,0], [2,0]]]]

Now, we have ten pieces. The initial rotation for each piece is chosen randomly (and uniformly).

Allow players to cheat

Players should be able to cheat (obtain a cheat piece as follows in the next round) by pressing the <c> key:

|   |
# Inside class MyPiece:
Cheat_Piece = [[[0,0]]]

def initialize (point_array, board)

## Called by MyBoard's next_piece:
def self.next_piece (board)
  MyPiece.new(All_My_Pieces.sample, board)
def self.next_piece_for_cheat (board)
  MyPiece.new(Cheat_Piece, board)

If the cheating player’s score is less than \(100\), nothing happens; otherwise, cheating costs \(100\) points. Hitting <c> multiple times while a single piece is falling should behave no differently than hitting it once.

We shall add this line of code to our own key_bindings method:

@root.bind('c', proc { if @board.score >= 100 && !@board.will_cheat
                          @board.will_cheat = true end })

The will_cheat attribute of MyBoard subclass is initialized to false. The original next_piece method of Board class is modified to take into account of the cheating behavior:

def next_piece
  if !self.will_cheat
    @current_block = MyPiece.next_piece(self)
    self.will_cheat = false
    @score -= 100
    @current_block = MyPiece.next_piece_for_cheat(self)
  @current_pos = nil


  1. Here I would like to cite Robin Milner’s thesis that traces the history of object-oriented programming: “In the 1960s there was a great vogue in simulation languages. New ones kept emerging. They all gave you ways of making queues of things (in the process which you wished to simulate), giving objects attributes which would determine how long it took to process them, giving agents attributes to determine what things they could process, tossing coins to make it random, and recording what happened in a histogram… One of them highlighted a new metaphor: the notion of a community of agents all doing things to each other, each persisting in time but changing state. This is the notion known to programmers as an object, processing its own state and its repertoire of activities, or so-called methods; it is now so famous that even non-programmers have heard of it. It originated in the simulation language known as Simula, invented by Ole-Johann Dahl and Kristen Nygaard. Object-oriented programming is now a widely accepted metaphor used in applications which have nothing to do with simulation. So the abstract notion of agent or active object, from being a convenient metaphor, is graduating to the status of a concept in computer science.” In Dina Goldin, Scott A. Smolka, and Peter Wegner (eds.), Interactive Computation, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006, page 3-4.